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About Fit IQ

The evolution of health and wellness combined with an uncharted global pandemic (in recent years) has seen a marked transition to personal ownership of our most important asset (YOU!) With a plethora of data access through the use of wearable smart tech and mobile devices, the position to get a sound overview is fraught. Fit IQ was established to seek out as  much quantification of input and output as possible - and present it as simply as possible. The cookie cutter approach simply doesn't cut it anymore.  "You are you, That is truer than true" Dr Seuss. 

To understand your unique prediposition to healthy living is very much an individual response. You need to consider this at most levels. So where to Start? A few simple baselines would be a great starting point. Rather than waiting for a doctors visit to address an underlying issue we have ignored. 

For Fit IQ methodology that means - 

Blood pressure / Heart rate / Body Composition / Movement analysis. Blood stats an additional reference point for those who like to know a little bit more. Without complicating things - its starts with a whole food diet, daily movement and surrounding yourself with positive people. 


                         "The best of today will be bettered tomorrow"

                                 Richard Harris - wellness seeker

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